
Posts Tagged ‘WWII veterans’

Memorial Day is more than the picnics, parades and other activities we so often enjoy on this holiday. It is an important time to remember those who have sacrificed their lives to preserve our country’s freedom and way of life.

Many of us have family members who served in the military. In our church service yesterday, we had an opportunity to honor them. Representatives from each family recognized their veterans and told something about their military service. We sang patriotic songs and prayed for our nation.

My father was a soldier in the Army during WWII. He fought in the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Dad was wounded during combat around Luzon, and later received the Purple Heart. My father-in-law flew B-26 Martin Marauder planes in the Atlantic Operations. In its early days, the B-26 was known as “the widowmaker” because of frequent crashes during takeoff.

Estimates based on census data predict that over 1100 of the Greatest Generation die each day. Fighting in a war is a life-changing experience. But so often their personal stories are never told. What an opportunity for our children and grandchildren to learn history from loved ones who helped to shape it. Then family get-togethers on Memorial Day would be even more meaningful. 

Many of our veterans are care recipients, at home, in residential or health care facilities. As family and/or professional caregivers, let’s give them the recognition and thanks that they deserve. And the chance to share whatever they want about their experiences and life lessons. 

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